Tags : Copyright
What If Your Works Are Being Stolen- Answer Is Copyright Registration

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The world of the internet has brought the work of creators closer and more easily accessible to the public at large because of which the popularity of creators has also increased but with all this, theft of creators' work has also increased. The people because of cheap popularity, publicize and publish the work of others in their own name by distorting the works of other famous people or sometimes by removing their names directly. Many times, so much propaganda is done by the thief of such work that people consider the original creator a thief. A work is said to be stolen when one publicizes or publishes the work of any other individual in one’s own name without giving credit to such an individual. Legally, stealing someone’s work comes under the category of fraud. It can also have serious consequences.
What does the law say?
Intellectual property is any music, literary work, art, invention, symbol, name, picture, design, copyright, trademark, patent, etc. created by any person or organization. As one can own physical property in the same way one can also own intellectual property. Intellectual property rights are provided for this and one of the ways to get intellectual property rights is to get your work registered under Copyright Act.
What is Copyright?
Copyright gives legal rights to the originator i.e., provider over his creation like writing, film, musical material, etc. for a fixed number of years. Anyone who has a copyright can copy, sell, or use his writing or work in any way. Copyright in India is governed by Copyright Act 1957.
What Copyright has to offer?
The following are the advantages of getting copyright registration for your work:
i. It provides legal protection.
ii. It is prima facie evidence.
iii. Prohibits unauthorized reproduction
iv. It helps in establishing credibility and branding in the market
v. After the death of the manufacturer, the protection can be
extended up to 60 yrs.
How to apply for Copyright Registration
The first step in copyright registration is to apply, different applications will have to be made for the registration of the copyright of different works. Also, there is a fee to pay, and the fee for each type of work is also different, the application fee range is between INR 5,000 to INR 40,000 which can be seen at https://copyright.gov.in/frmFeeDetailsShow.aspx. Applicants can also apply through demand draft or payment on the website. Required documents should be there otherwise registration will not take place. The required Form-XIV is available on the portal from where it can be easily downloaded.
Filing a copyright with the Registrar of Copyrights may seem simple on paper but it is a complex process that may take 12 to 20 months. Thus, legal help should be preferred while seeking copyright registration of your work.
Best Legal Services (www.bestlegalservices.in) is India's leading legal service provider and can assist you in the copyright registration process. We provide competent legal services and ensures the protection of the author’s work and rights within the context of the law. Our team possess extensive knowledge and experience in the different areas and aspects of various fields, and thus very confident in its ability to provide the assistance you need.