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Website Policies

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The What, Why and How of Website Policies

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This is the age of the Internet where work, socializing, shopping, even healthcare, is done via websites. These websites can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, anytime! Such diversity in content and consumers makes it necessary for the websites to be very clear in what they offer, what they require from the consumer, and how they serve the consumer. A text that does these things is called a “Website Policy”.

So what is a website policy?

Simply put, a website policy is a contract that the consumer requires to agree to, when they open the website on their device. This contract could be about anything: how the website uses cookies on the device, whether location access is needed, age of the consumer, terms of service, privacy policy, etc. Below are examples of what all can be put into this definition:

  • Cookie Policy

  • Privacy policy

  • Terms and Conditions (standard-form / long-form)

  • Terms of Service (if the website provides a subscription)

  • Disclaimer Policy (if the website hosts third-party content)

Some websites require consumers to agree to certain cookies if they want to use the website. This is an example of a website policy. The information presented here does not constitute legal advice, but only provides legal information to the reader. This also is an example of website policy! What kind of policy you need depends on the purpose, nature of content etc. of the website?

Okay. But why do I need a website policy for my website?

Here’s why you need to have a website policy displayed on your website:

  1. To show compliance with domestic and international data protection and information technology laws

  2. To declare which information of consumer is used in what manner and for what purpose

  3. To limit overall liability of the website owner in any potential lawsuit

  4. To declare what is expected of a consumer using the website

  5. To declare ownership of the content posted on the website, and prevent copyright infringement

  6. To seek consent from the consumer regarding website cookies, plug-ins etc.

Not convinced enough to have a website policy for your website. Here’s a glimpse of what all can go wrong if you don’t have one:

  1. Consumers won’t trust your website if you don’t declare what data you take from them. This will harm not just your revenue, but also your brand’s goodwill.

  2. Not having a document showing compliance with laws can lead to legal action against your website. It could be anything from monetary to penal action.

  3. You leave the door wide open for lawsuits if you don’t state the terms of service, data collection norms, etc. This damages your reputation and is very costly!

  4. Your website content could be easily duplicated by others, and you won’t be able to take legal action against them.

  5. Your liability will be unlimited if the consumer suffers any loss or injury while using your website. This is crucial for websites hosting medical and legal content.

I am convinced. But how do I get a Website Policy for my site?

This is easy. We can help you with your website policy and you won’t have to break a sweat! It is easy, comfy, and you won’t have to worry about any loss due to laws.

Get in touch with us by visiting our website and we shall draft customized website policies for your website. We have a dedicated team of cyber/data privacy/ intellectual property lawyer.