Tags : Director KYC
All You Should Know About Director’s KYC

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Director Identification Number (D.I.N) refers to a unique identification number allotted to an individual who is willing to be a director or is an existing director of a company.
DIN is obtained by filing an application in e-form DIR 3
Now MCA has made it mandatory for all directors having DIN to submit their KYC details in e-form DIR 3 KYC every year.
Further this procedure is applicable to disqualified directors too.
MCA has now made it mandatory for every director who has been allotted DIN on or before the end of financial year, would be mandatorily required to file form DIR 3 KYC before 30th September of the immediately next financial year.
After the expiry of the mentioned due dates the MCA system will mark all non-compliant DINs fir which the DIR 3 KYC form has not been filled as ‘Deactivated due to non-filing of DIR 3 KYC’.
Due Date
The due date of filing DIR 3 KYC is 30th September of the next financial year. Any non-compliance with not filing the form within the due date shall lead to Deactivation of DIN and penalty charges.
If the DIN holder does not file his annual KYC within the prescribed due date of each financial year, such a DIN shall be marked as “Deactivated due to non-filing of DIR 3 KYC’ and shall remain in such Deactivated status until KYC is done with a fee of Rs 5,000.
Process of filing DIR 3 KYC Form
Download the DIR 3 KYC form from the MCA website
Directors whose status is ‘Approved’ must fill in the DIN in KYC form.
Directors with deactivated DIN because of non-filing of KYC form can file the form after prescribed due date by paying the penalty fees.
Furnish the required details in DIR 3 KYC form
Director must enter his PAN and then click on the ‘Verify income tax PAN’ button. Then the system verifies the details of the director on the basis of the PAN card number.
Update contact details
Verify OTP
Authenticate e-form from Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant or Company Secretary practising the profession. Authentication refers to digitally signing the form. This step is very crucial and cannot be avoided.
E-Documents and Information Required to file DIR 3 KYC form
Passport Size Photo
Address Proof
Permanent Account Number (PAN)
Aadhar Card
Passport (Compulsory when the DIN holder is a foreign national)
Driving License
Personal Mobile Number and E-mail ID
Details of Citizenship, Gender, Date of Birth.
Contact us today at bestlegalservices.in for renew of Director’s KYC.